To base the Conservation on Scientific Evidences… it is our Faith!
Download our scientific production as report, poster, and paper published in peer reviewed journals!


Ramsar Report


Ramsar Regional Center- East Asia Wetland Fund for Wetland Conservation and Wise Use (RRC-EA WF) Public Awareness for Communities Involving the Conservation of Wetlands, Mongolia

Snow Leopard Tavan Bogd 2017


Report of a camera trapping study on snow leopard and other mammals in TAVAN BOGD NATIONAL PARK, Altai Mountains, NW Mongolia

Siberian Ibex Cashmere Trade 2015


The Siberian Ibex (Capra sibirica, Pallas 1776) in Mongolia: A Survey on Exploitation and Trade, and Considerations for Future Management

Snow Leopard Khorkh Serkhe 2018


Report of a camera trapping study of the snow leopard and other mammals in KHORK SERKH STRICTLY PROTECTED AREA, Altai Mountains, NW Mongolia

Snow Leopard Siilkhem B 2015


Report of a camera trapping study of the snow leopard and other mammals in the Altai Mountains of NW Mongolia


A spotlight on Mustelids of the southern Mongolian forest


The study area, located in central Mongolia, host a variety of habitats dominated by alpine landscapes and above forest patches.

Discovering mammal diversity by phototrapping in the Khangai Nuruu National Park (Mongolia)


The study area, located in north-central Mongolia, host a variety of habitats dominated by Alpine landscapes and forest-steppe where forests...

Use camera traps to estimate mammalian species richness and occurrence first insights from the Mongolian steppe


Mongolia is known to host a wide diversity of mid-large mammal fauna, comprising species of conservation relevance.

Small mammals of Mongolia: reports from the scientific expedition


Extreme environments host often a peculiar fauna characterized by low species richness belonging to a high number of taxonomic families.

An assessment of human attitude towards carnivores in the Mongolian Altai


The traditional lifestyle is widespread in Mongolia where the nomadic herders represent a third of the total population and are very sparsely distributed...


Interference Competition between Wild and Domestic Ungulates at Watering Sites of Gobi Desert, Mongolia

Activity overlap between mesocarnivores and prey in the Central Mongolian steppe

Spatio-temporal occurrence and sensitivity to livestock husbandry of Pallas's cat in the Mongolian Altai

First spatially-explicit density estimate for a snow leopard population in the Altai Mountains

Co-occurrence of snow leopard, wolf and Siberian ibex under livestock encroachment into protected areas across the Mongolian Altai

Occupancy and activity rhythms of the Siberian roe deer

Snow leopard (Panthera uncia) predation and consumption of an adult yak in the Mongolian Altai

Density and activity patterns of Pallas's cats Otocolobus manul in central Mongolia

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Temporal overlap among small- and medium-sized mammals in a grassland and a forest–alpine meadow of Central Asia

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Patterns in human-snow leopard and co-predator interactions in the Mongolian western Altai: current issues and perspectives

Density and activity patterns and overlap between Eurasian red squirrels and Siberian chipmunks in native and introduced ranges

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A preliminary mammal inventory of the southernmost Mongolian forest: discovering a mesocarnivores heaven

Non-volant mammal inventory of western Mongolian-Manchurian Grassland Ecoregion: a biogeographic crossroad worth preserving

Mammal inventory in the Mongolian Gobi, with the southeasternmost documented record of the Snow Leopard, Panthera uncia (Schreber, 1775), in the country

Spatially-explicit density estimates for a snow leopard population in the Altai Mountains of Mongolia

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